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Publications - Prof Yosef Ofer

Refereed Publications



A. Masora


  1. The Babylonian Masora of the Pentateuch, its Principles and Methods, The Academy of the Hebrew Language and the Hebrew University Magnes Press, Jerusalem 2001, 604 pp. (in Hebrew)

  2. "Two Issues in the Masora", in: M. Bar-Asher (ed.), Language Studies II-III, Jerusalem 1987, pp. 377-386 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  3. "M.D. Cassuto's Notes on the Aleppo Codex", Sefunot - Studies and Sources on the History of the Jewish Communities in the East, NS vol. 4 (19), Jerusalem 1989, pp. 277-344 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  4. "The Masoretic Divisions (sedarim) in the Books of the Prophets and Hagiographa", Tarbiz - A Quarterly for Jewish Studies, vol. LVIII (1989), pp. 155-189 (in Hebrew). [The second part of this article was reprinted in: Likkutei Tarbiz 6: Studies in Jewish Liturgy – A Reader Selected by Hananel Mack, 2003, pp. 149-185] (Abstract)

  5. "A Fragment of Exodus from the Missing Part of the Aleppo Codex", Pe'amim 41 (autumn 1989), pp. 41-48 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  6. "The Aleppo Codex and the Bible of R. Shalom Shachna Yelin", in: M. Bar-Asher (ed.), Rabbi Mordechai Breuer Festschrift - Collected Papers in Jewish Studies, Jerusalem 1992, pp. 295-353 (in Hebrew).

  7. "Aharon ben Asher's Masorah in the Aleppo Codex", in: M. Bar-Asher (ed.), Language Studies V-VI - Israel Yeivin Festschrift, Jerusalem 1992, pp. 481-500 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  8. "The Notation of Shewa at the End of a Word in the Tiberian Vocalization System", Leshonenu LVII (1992), pp. 109-118 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  9. "Vocalization Signs in Cairo Genizah Manuscripts of the Damascus Covenant", Appendix to the introduction to the Damascus Document ,in: J. H. Charlesworth (ed.), The Dead Sea Scrolls - Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts with English Tanslations, vol. 2, Tubingen 1995, pp.10-11 (PDF)

  10. "Masoretic List of Babylonian Origin of Dotted Words in the Pentateuch", in: E.J. Revell (ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic Studies - Masoretic Studies 8, 1996, pp.71-85 (PDF)

  11. "The Relation of Different Masora Types to Grammar", in: M. Bar-Asher (ed.), Hebrew Through The Ages - In Memory of Shoshanna Bahat, Studies in Language II, Jerusalem 1997, pp. 51-69 (in Hebrew).

  12. "A Masoretic Reworking of mahberet Menahem", Leshonenu LXII (1999), pp. 189-255 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  13. "Masoretic Comments on Grammar in MS לס (A Manuscript from St. Petersburg Containing the Tafsir of Saadia Gaon)", in: A. Maman (ed.), Language Studies VIII, Jerusalem 2001, pp. 49-75 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  14. "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil" (Gen. 3,22) - interpretation and Reading Traditions in Tiberias and Babylonia", in: A. Bazaq (ed.), Al Derekh Ha'Aavot - Articles about Bible and Education, Alon Shevut 2001, pp. 419-431 (in Hebrew). (Hebrew)

  15. "The History and Authority of the Aleppo Codex"; "The Jerusalem Crown and Its Editorial Principles", in: M. Glatzer (ed.), Jerusalem Crown - The Bible of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Companion Volume, Jerusalem 2001, pp. 24-58 (PDF)

  16. "A New Edition of the Bible", Leshonenu LXIV (2002), pp. 181-206 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

16a. "The Preparation of the Jerusalem Crown Edition of the Bible Text", Hebrew Studies XLIV (2003), pp. 87-117

  1. "A Masoretic Note in the Aleppo Codex Concerning the Composite Words", Textus XXI (2002), pp. 209-233.

  2. "Waw-Yod Interchanges in the Bible And their Reflection in Masora Notes", Zvi Betzer Memorial Volume: Mehkere Morashtenu 2-3 (2004), pp. 69-84 (in Hebrew) (Abstract)

  3. "The Separation of the Tiberian Punctuation and Cantillation Systems", Leshonenu LXVI (2004), pp. 297-313 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  4. "The Masora Quires Appended to the Aleppo Codex - According to a Copy Found in S. Baer's archives", Studies in Bible and Exegesis VII, 2005, pp. 137-162 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  5. "Interrogative He in Accumulative Masoretic Lists", Language Studies X (2005), pp. 139-157 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  6. "Abraham Firkovich and the Dedication Inscription of the Aleppo Codex", HUCA 76 (2005), pp. 259-272

  7. "Umberto Cassuto, the Allepo Codex and the first Bibble Edition of the Hebrew University", in: Robert Bonfil (ed.), Umberto (Moshe David) Cassuto, (Italia: conference Supplement Series, 3), Jerusalem 2007, pp. 31-45 (in Hebrew)

  8. "Methods of Encoding in Samuel de Archevolti’s Arugat Ha-Bosem", European Journal of Jewish Studies 2.1 (2008), pp. 45-63

  9. "Ketiv and Qere: The Phenomenon, Its Notation, and Its Reflection in Early Rabbinic Literature" (parts 1-2), Leshonenu 70 (2008), pp. 55-73 (in Hebrew) (Abstract)

  10. "Ketiv and Qere: The Phenomenon, Its Notation, and Its Reflection in Early Rabbinic Literature" (part 3-4), Leshonenu 71 (2009), pp. 255-279 (in Hebrew) (Abstract)

  11. “Mnemonic signs in the Masora of the Aleppo Codex", Megadim 50, 2009, pp. 171-198 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  12. "Methods and Sources of Yedidya Shelomo Norzi in his Treatise Minhat Shay", Textus 24 (2009), pp. 287-312 (PDF)

  13. "A Babylonian List of Open and Closed Parashiyot in the Pentateuch", in: M. Bar-Asher and C. E. Cohen (eds.), Mas'at Aharon: Linguistic Studies Presented to Aron Dotan, Jerusalem 2009, pp. 392-434. (in Hebrew)

  14. "Biblical Fragments" (a Catalogue), in: David Rosenthal (ed.), The Cairo Geniza Collection in Geneva: Catalogue and Studies, Jerusalem 2010, pp. 46-57 (in Hebrew)

  15. "The Bible Verse Count According to Ben-Naftali", in: David Rosenthal (ed.), The Cairo Geniza Collection in Geneva: Catalogue and Studies, Jerusalem 2010, pp. 208-223 (in Hebrew)

  16. "An Old Manuscript with Babylonian Vocalization of the Hagiographa",Israel: Linguistic Studies in the Memory of Israel Yeivin, Jerusalem 2011, pp.129-154 (in Hebrew) (Abstract)

  17. "Gam Ba-Miqra Dam BaMishna: a mystery in the Babylonian Masora and its Solutuon", In the Memory of Israel Yeivin, Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sceinces and Humanities 2012, pp. 36-45 (in Hebrew)

33a. "Three Enigmatic Notes from the Babylonian Masorah Comparing the Language of the Hebrew Bible and the Mishnah, The Text of the Hebrew Bible: from the Rabbis to the Masoretes", Journal of Ancient Judaism Supplements 13 (2014), pp. 207-214

  1. The Terms Masora Gedola (Masora Magna) and Masora Qetanna (Masora Parva) and their Meanings during the Generations, Leshonenu 74 (2012), pp. 279-303 (in Hebrew)

  2. [with A. Lubotzky], "The Masorah as an Error Correcting Code", Tarbiz 82 (2014), pp. 89-113 (in Hebrew) (Abstract)

  3. "Acrostic Signatures in Masoretic Notes", Vetus Testamentum 65 (2015), pp. 230-246. (PDF)

  4. The Masora on Scripture and Its Methods, Fontes et Subsidia ad Bibliam pertinentes 7, Berlin: De Gruyter 2019, 369 pp.



A1. Encyclopedic Entries

  1. 'Ben Asher, Aaron ben Moses', Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Berlin &Boston: De Gruyter, Vol 3, 2012, cols. 826-829

  2. 'Ben Naphtali, Moses ben David', Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Vol 3, 2012, cols. 875-876

  3. 'Cairo Codex', Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Vol 4, 2012, cols. 769-770

  4. 'The Five scrolls', Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, [in press]

  5. “Aleppo Codex”, Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics (General Editor: Geoffrey Khan), Leiden & Boston 2013, vol. 1, pp. 84-85

  6. "'Aṯe Meraḥiq", Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, vol. 1, p. 231

  7. "Deḥiq", Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, vol. 1, pp. 690-691

  8. "Mappiq", Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, vol. 2, p. 577

  9. "Masora, Babylonian", Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, vol. 2, pp. 585-588

  10. “St. Petersburg I Firkovitch B19a Manuscript of the Hebrew Bible ", vol. 3, pp. 617-618



B. Biblical Exegesis

  1. " 'I have corrected Everything' – The Versions of Rashi's Commentary on Ezekiel", in: M. Bar-Asher, N. Hacham and Y. Ofer (eds.), Teshura Le-'Amos: Collected Studies in Biblical Exegesis Presented to 'Amos Hakham, Alon shevut 2007, pp. 29-60 (in Hebrew)

  2. "When was Dayaqot – R. Shmuel Ben Meir's Grammatical Treatise – Written?", Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 17 (2007), pp. 233-251. (in Hebrew)

  3. "Rashi's Covert Rejection of Midrashim as Reflected in his Commentary on the Pentateuch", Studies in Bible and Exegesis VIII: Presented to Elazar Touitou, 2008, pp. 279-291 (in Hebrew).

  4. “The Maps of the Land of Israel in Rashi’s Commentary on the Torah and the Status of MS Leipzig 1", Tarbiz 76 (2007), pp. 435-443 (in Hebrew)(PDF) (Abstract)

  5. "The Two Lists of Addenda to Nahmanides’ Torah Commentary: Who Wrote Them?", Jewish Studies Quarterly 15 (2008), pp. 321-352(PDF)

  6. "A Diagram of the Open Land of the Levite Cities in Nahmanides' Commentary on the Torah", The Jewish Quarterly Review 99:2 (Spring 2009), pp. 271-283(PDF)

  7. "Why Did Nahmanides Misread the Inscription on the Sheqel Coin?", Tarbitz 80 (2012), pp. 261-264 (in Hebrew) (Abstract)

  8. [with J. Jacobs:], Nahmanides' Torah Commentary Addenda - Written in the Land of Israel, World Union of Jewish Studies & Herzog Academic College Research Authority, Jerusalem 2013, 718 pp. (in Hebrew)

  9. "Nahmanides' Interpretations Concerning Rachel's Tomb in the Development of His Commentary on the Torah", in: M. Avioz, E. Assis & Y. Shemesh (eds.), Zer Rimonim: Studies in Biblical Literature and Jewish Exegesis Presented to Professor Rimon Kasher, SBL: International Voices in Biblical Studies, Atlanta 2013, pp. 562-587 (in Hebrew)

  10. [with J. Jacobs:] "Nahmanides' addenda to his Commentary on the Pentateuch in light of Ms Cambridge 525", Journal of Jewish Studies LXV 1 (Spring 2014), pp. 113-128 (Abstract)


C. Modern Hebrew

  1. "The Beginning of Israeli Pronunciation", in: A. Maman, S.E. Fassberg and Y. Breuer (eds.), Sha'arei Lashon: Studies in Hebrew, Aramaic and Jewish Languages Presented to Moshe Bar-Asher, Jerusalem (Bialik Institute) 2007, Vol. III, pp. 166-172


D. Torah Reading & Haftarot

1 'חלוקת קריאת התורה במחזור החד-שנתי', עלון שבות 104 (תשרי תשד"מ), עמ' 55-41.

2 'הפטרת שבת הגדול', המעין לו, ג (ניסן תשנ"ו), עמ' 20-16.

[2א נדפס תחילה בדף קשר לתלמידי ישיבת הר-עציון 332, שבת הגדול תשנ"ב, עמ' 6-4.]

(וראה לעיל, א5, 'סדרי נביאים וכתובים'.)

3 'שכיחותן של קביעות השנה ושל ההפטרות', סיני קכא, תשנ"ח, עמ' רי-רכד.

E. Bible and Halakha

1 'ברכת בורא נפשות', עלון שבות, שנה ט (סיוון תשל"ח), עמ' 55-47.

2 'מי יתן טהור מטמא', עלון שבות 73 (אדר תשל"ט), עמ' 31-28.

3 'שמשון בחייו ובמותו', עלון שבות 76 (אב תשל"ט), עמ' 54-51.

4 'בין החומות', עלון שבות 84 (חנוכה תשמ"א), עמ' 82-78.

5 'שלום ירושלים', עלון שבות 88 (אייר תשמ"א), עמ' 21-16.

6 'הנחה ותנופה בביכורים', המעין כא, ד (תמוז תשמ"א), עמ' 9-4.

7 'ששה עשר בניסן', עלון שבות 93 (אדר תשמ"ב), עמ' 44-40.

8 'משפטי התנאי בתורה', עלון שבות 98 (אב תשמ"ב), עמ' 35-28.

9 'פסח וחגיגה במקום אשר יבחר', המעין כג, ג (ניסן תשמ"ג), עמ' 34-28.

10 'שיטת הרמב"ם בעוללות', עלון שבות 103 (אב תשמ"ג), עמ' 31-23.

11 'משרש נחש יצא צפע', מגדים א, ניסן תשמ"ו, עמ' 60-56.



F. Books and Journals (as editor)

  1. Megadim - Journal of Biblical Studies, Tevunot Press, Herzog College at Yeshivat Har Etzion, Alon Shevut, vol. 1-48 (1989-2008) (in Hebrew)

  2. [member in the editorial board of:] Leshonenu La'am \ Ha'Ivrit - A Popular Journal for the Hebrew Language, The Secretariat of the Academy of the Hebrew Language, Jerusalem, vol. XLII-LVI, 1991-2008. (in Hebrew)

  3. Proceedings of the Academy of the Hebrew Language (Zikhronot Ha'Aqademya Lallashon Ha'Ivrit), vol. 35-37 (for the years 1988-1990; with Yig'al Yanai), Jerusalem 1992; vol. 38-40 (for the years 1991-1993), Jerusalem 1995; vol. 41-43 (for the years 1994-1996), Jerusalem 1998. (in Hebrew)

  4. Mordechai Breuer, Pirqe Bereshit, Tevunot Press, Herzog College at Yeshivat Har Etzion, Alon Shevut 1998, 728 pp. (in Hebrew)

  5. Jerusalem Crown - The Bible of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, [Torah, Prophets and Hagiographa according to the text and the Masora of the Aleppo Codex and related manuscripts, according to the method of Rav Mordechai Breuer with explanations of the version principles, scientific responsibility on that edition: Yosef Ofer], Jerusalem 2000, 874 + 34 pp.

  6. D. Lyons, The Cumulative Masora - Text, Form and Transmission - with a Facsimal Critical Edition of the Cumulative Masora in the Cairo Prophets Codex, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press, Beer Sheva 1999, 210+xii pp. (in Hebrew)

  7. Israel Yeivin, The Biblical Masorah, The Academy of the Hebrew Language, Jerusalem 2003, 254 pp. (in Hebrew)

  8. The 'Aspects Theory' of Rav Mordechai Breuer: Articles and Responses, Alon Shevut 2005, 396 pp. (in Hebrew)

  9. [with Shmuel Vargon, Jordan S. Penkower and Jacob Klein], Studies in Bible and Exegesis, vol VII, Presented to Menachem Cohen, Ramat Gan 2005, 510 +xxvi pp. (in Hebrew)

  10. Jedidiah Solomon Raphael Norzi, Minhat Shay on the Torah, Critical Edition, Introduction and Notes by Zvi Betser, Jerusalem 2005, 428 pp. (in Hebrew)

  11. [with Moshe Bar-Asher and Noah Hacham], Teshura Le-'Amos: Collected Studies in Biblical Exegesis Presented to 'Amos Hakam, Alon shevut 2007, 581 pp. (in Hebrew)

  12. Mordechai Breuer, Pirqe Yeshayahu, Tevunot Press, Herzog College at Yeshivat Har Etzion, Alon Shevut 2010, 254 pp. (in Hebrew)

  13. [with Rafael I. Zer], Israel: Linguistic Studies in the Memory of Israel Yeivin, Jerusalem 2011, 464+xxxii pp. (in Hebrew)


G. Reviews and remarks

  1. "A New Edition of miqraot gedolot" (on: Mikra'ot Gedolot Haketer... edited with an Introduction by Menachem Cohen, Bar-Ilan University, 1992), Tarbiz vol. LXI (1991), pp. 163-171 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  2. "The Babylonian Masorah to the Pentateuch in a Tiberian Rescension" (on: Mordechai Breuer, ed., The Masorah Magna to the Pentateuch by Shemuel ben Ya'aqov [MS למ], New York 1992), Leshonenu LVI (1992), pp. 269-283 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  3. "Majufes and Yom ze mekhubbad", Tarbiz vol. LXIII (1994), p. 597 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  4. "The Secret of the Pausal Forms"(on: Israel Ben-David, Contextual and Pausal Forms in Biblical Hebrew, Jerusalem 1995), Tarbiz vol. LXVIII (1999), pp. 437-447 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  5. "The Accumulative Masorah and Word Study" (on: Aron dotan, The Awakening of Word Lore: From the Masora to the Beginnings of Hebrew Lexicography, Jerusalem 2005), Leshonenu LXVII (2005), pp. 399-413 (in Hebrew). (Abstract)

  6. "Determining the Biblical Text according to the Masora - Rabbi Breuer's system and its sources", Jewish Studies Internet Journal 7 (2008), pp. 147-161 . (in Hebrew)(PDF)

  7. [with: Yoel Elitzur:] "The Shrine and the Book: Impressions from an Excursion to the Shrine of the Book after its Re-opening", Al Atar 13-14, 2006, pp. 201-220 (in Hebrew) (Abstract)


H. Accepted for publication


I. Popular Articles

1 'עיונים אחדים בכתר', בתוך: א' שמוש, הכתר - סיפורו של כתר ארם צובה, ירושלים תשמ"ז, עמ' 139-127.

2 'כתרי התורה', העלון השבועי (בהוצאת האקדמיה ללשון העברית), עלון כד (אייר התש"ן) - 8 עמ'.

[2א נדפס שוב בתוך: לשוננו לעם מ-מא, קובץ לשנת הלשון, עמ' 111-105.]

3 'כיצד מצטטים מן התנ"ך', לשוננו לעם מב (תשנ"א), עמ' 61-57.

4 [עם יגאל ינאי]: 'וסימנך - סימנים בלשון העברית', לשוננו לעם מב (תשנ"א), עמ' 145-142.

[4א נדפס שוב, בנוסח שונה: 'סימני זיכרון בעברית', דף קשר בישיבת הר-עציון 308, מרחשוון תשנ"ב.]

5 רשימות בלשוננו לעם החתומות י"ע: מחידושי מלחמת המפרץ [מב, 188-187], התעתיק מערבית [מג, 76-74], פריימריז כחול-לבן [מג, 112-111], קטעי דיונים [מג, 194-183 (לקט)], כללי כתיב חד-משמעיים [מג, 197-195], צירי או סגול [מד, 43-42].

6 'כתר ארם צובה', י' אלפסי (עורך), חג השבועות, בהוצאת עיריית בת-ים הענף לתרבות תורנית, סיוון ה'תשנ"ב, עמ' 29-26.

7 'טעמי המקרא - סימני פיסוק או סימני נגינה?', מחניים 3, כסלו תשנ"ג, עמ' 75-70.

8 'הטעם העליון והתחתון בעשרת הדיברות', י' אלפסי (עורך), עצרת - פרקים לחג השבועות, בהוצאת עיריית בת-ים הענף לתרבות תורנית, סיוון ה'תשנ"ג, עמ' 19-17.

[8א נדפס שוב בשינויים: 'הטעם העליון והטעם התחתון בעשרת הדיברות', הדף השבועי של אוניברסיטת בר-אילן מס' 238, פרשת במדבר וחג השבועות תשנ"ח, עמ' 6-4]

9 'בין טעמי המקרא לסימני הפיסוק', לשוננו לעם מד (תשנ"ג), עמ' 192-187.

10 'ספרות המסורה של דורנו', המעין לה, א (תשרי תשנ"ה), עמ' 14-9.

11 'פרשת "השכם בבקר" - מנהג עתיק של קריאה בתורה', הדף השבועי של אוניברסיטת בר-אילן מס' 271, פרשת וארא תשנ"ט, עמ' 4-3.

12 '"נקבה תסובב גבר" - על סימני זיכרון לקריאה בתורה', הדף השבועי של אוניברסיטת בר-אילן מס' 338, פרשת אחרי מות תש"ס, עמ' 3-1.

12א. גרסה אנגלית של המאמר, באתר הדף השבועי באנגלית: "A Woman Courts a Man" - Mnemonic Devices for Torah Reading, -כתובת האתר:

13 'כתר הכתרים", עת-מול - עתון לתולדות ארץ ישראל ועם ישראל, כ"ו 4 (156), אייר תשס"א, עמ' 7-4 [עיבוד של פריט 2 לעיל].

14 "מבוא חדש-ישן למסורה" [סקירה של הספר: י' ייבין, המסורה למקרא, ירושלים תשס"ג], אקדם 24 (אלול תשס"ג), עמ' 7-6.

15 'עוד מילים זעירות במשמעות לא רגילה', מגדים לז (אדר א תשס"ג), עמ' 102-97; 'עוד על המילים הזעירות: תגובה לדברי אסף מאלי', מגדים מא (טבת תשס"ה), עמ' 112-110.

16 'עוד על הכתובת בציורו של למר' (תגובה למאמרו של גב"ע צרפתי), לשוננו לעם נג (תשס"ב), עמ' 159.

17 ' "הנסתרֹת לה' א-להינו" והמילים בתורה שנקוד עליהן', הדף השבועי של אוניברסיטת בר-אילן מס' 670, פרשת נצבים-וילך תשס"ו, עמ' 3-1.

18 'The Shattered Crown: The Aleppo Codex 60 Years After the Riots', Biblical Archaeology Review 34,5 (2008), pp. 38-49.

19 "כתר ארם צובה", בתוך: ירון הראל (עורך), קהילות ישראל במזרח במאות התשע-עשרה והעשרים: סוריה, ירושלים תשס"ט, עמ' 123-122.

20 "'אם ידברו הבנים ספרדית, לא יבין איש שפת בנו ובתו'! - המאבק על מבטא העברית המתחדשת בארץ ישראל", עת-מול – עיתון לתולדות ארץ ישראל ועם ישראל, 214, טבת תשע"א, עמ' 12-9.

J. Memory

1 "הרב מרדכי ברויאר ז"ל", מעט מן האור, פרשת תצוה, י"ב באדר תשס"ז.

2. "הרב מרדכי ברויאר – מכריע נוסח המקרא", מקור ראשון, כ"ו באדר תשס"ז.

3. "הרב מרדכי ברויאר ז"ל – אוהב התורה, העם והארץ", המעיין, ?תמוז תשס"ז.


Lectures in scientific conferences

  1. "The Masoretic Divisions (sedarim) in the Books of the Prophets and Hagiographa", The tenth International Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic Studies, Jerusalem, 1989.

  2. "The Notation of Shewa at the End of a Word in the Tiberian Vocalization System", The eleventh International Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic Studies, Jerusalem, 1993

  3. "Masoretic List of Babylonian Origin of Dotted Words in the Pentateuch", The Twelfth International Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic Studies, Cambridge, July the 15th, 1995

  4. "A Masoretic Processing of Dictionary Values of mahberet Menahem", The Thirteenth Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic Studies (IOMS), in association with the Twelfth World Congress of Jewish Studies, July 29th 1997.

  5. "Signs of antiquity in the Babylonian Masora", Twelfth World Congress of Jewish Studies, August 4th 1997.

  6. "A Masoretic Note in the Aleppo Codex Concerning the Composite Words", The Fifteenth Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic Studies (IOMS), in association with the Seventeenth IOSOT Congress, Basel, August 6th 2001.

  7. "Abraham Firkovitch and the Dedicatory Inscription of the Aleppo Codex", The Sixteenth Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic Studies (IOMS), in association with the Thirteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, August 12th 2001.

  8. "The Precision of the "Jerusalem Crown" Bible and Its Proofs", Thirteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, August 14th 2001.

  9. "Cassuto and the Aleppo Codex", From Firence to Jerusalem, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, May 23rd 2002.

  10. ”Interrogative He in Accumulative Masora Lists” ,The Seventeenth Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic Studies (IOMS), in association with the SBL Congress, Cambridge, July 22nd, 2003.

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